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My summer projects (2006)

The television season is winding down. Alias is in its final throes. Those last three episodes were terrific, weren't they? All those wonderful returning guest stars and plots? I have high hopes for the finale. And then Jen can go back to Ben and baby Vi. I wish her the best.

Lost is nearly done for the summer. I hope we get some answers in the next few episodes. If we don't, Lost may lose some viewers. Not me, of course, because I still love it. But I think people are getting impatient with the way they keep stringing us along. Okay, maybe I'm a little impatient.

Smallville and Veronica Mars are winding down, too. (No, I'm not watching season two of Veronica; I've only seen season one so far.) Frustrating that there is still no renewal news on either of them yet, probably because the new WBUPNCW network, whatever it's going to be called, is waiting to make a big announcement. Turkeys. Does Tom Welling want to quit and make bad movies? Have they decided Veronica Mars' ratings aren't high enough, even with its significant critical acclaim?

I used to have Battlestar Galactica to look forward to in the summer, but not this year. (October?!). Yes, The Dead Zone returns in June, and I am of course going to watch it. If all we get is Johnny Smith, Psychic Detective, though, I probably won't review it. I'm sad about what happened to The Dead Zone. It was so special and innovative. Every episode was unique. And then it changed. Well, maybe it'll change back. Hope springs eternal in the television critic's breast. Couldn't they at least resolve the Stillson arc and then cut us loose?

At least there are DVDs. I've finished reviews for the first half of Firefly now. Why did I resist it for so long? I've started on season one of Veronica Mars, and I'm going to work on Six Feet Under when I'm done with Firefly. Six Feet Under intimidates me. It'll be like writing a thesis. Well, a fun thesis.

And then there's Buffy the Vampire Slayer. My Buffy reviews were really my first, and if you've read them, you've probably noticed that the early ones are pretty sparse. In May, my discussion list BtVS101 is going to start watching and discussing one episode a week, starting with "Welcome to the Hellmouth." It ought to be fun. You're welcome to come join us.

What are you watching this summer? Lines are open.
Billie Doux loves good television and spends way too much time writing about it.


  1. Hi Billie! Yep, Alias failed to disappoint with its terrific return. Glad you started reviewing Veronica Mars -- I'll eagerly await your upcoming reviews of the show.

    And... for someone who has just tuned to the sci-fi genre, what would you recommend, battlestar galactica or firefly? I probably won't be able to pick up both this summer, so I'd love to hear your recommendation.


  2. I'd recommend Firefly, simply because that it's a lot shorter than BSG, coming in at 14 episodes.

    Plus, it's really, really good.

  3. Nick has a good point. Firefly is, unfortunately, short.

    But then try Battlestar Galactica because it's really, really good.

  4. I'm excited for your updated reviews of Buffy.

    This summer I plan on watching the return of Weeds, a dramedy on Showtime. It's so funny and watchable. It's good stuff. I watched Dead Like Me for two seasons before I was robbed of another. I hope they don't disappoint the Weeds fans and cancel that, too.

    Newho, keep up the good work.

  5. Busy busy girl you are! ;)

    You seem to pick exactly the shows that I care deeply about. You got me watching Nikita again.

    Once upon a time, a long time ago, I stopped watching Nikita during season two. I thought the series wasn't clever enough. (Hey, I had just pulled the plug on Charmed and had just started watching Buffy.) They made such lazy use of such obvious Red Shirts (characters created to die) that I didn't care for it anymore.

    However, your reviews gave me hope. I got new episodes from the net and am currently at episode 3x19.

    Nikita isn't Buffy. It also isn't Battlestar Galactica. But it certainly isn't Charmed either. I appreciate Nikita for what it is; a show in which framing someone for murder can be viewed as endearing. ;)

    The only shows I've yet to watch are The Dead Zone and Six Feet Under. I'll get to them eventually. With you interested, they can't be not good.

  6. Im glad that you have started the Veronica Mars reviews, it will be great to read what you think of the episodes and if we have the same opinions. As a matter of fact, im planning on writing my own Veronica reviews this summer.

    And you have probably heard the news, but i must mention it again. Veronica Mars is going for a third season!


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